Jeb the Giraffe

Helping Your Kids Learning Through Role Models Like JEB

We surely do not want to baby our children for the rest of their lives as we want them to turn into responsible teens that can take care of themselves in a big way. In essence, you want you child to think on their feet and act responsibly as a result thereof.

The pressures of the system we live in does not always make it possible for us to bring up our children up in the way we see fit for them. But it sure makes things a lot easier using fun characters like JEB and his imaginary friends to help us accomplish this.

Not only will they learn to think at any level which will help them with problem solving, deal with self awareness and communicating properly, but they will go on to imitate the fine example that JEB and friends set for them.

What JEB and Friends Will Help Your Child Accomplish

The material provided by the creators of JEB and his imaginary friends goes a long way to develop the intellectual skills of your child. This is the kind of skills you want your child to have as it will help them to be creative and flexible in their thinking abilities.

In the process, your child will learn to engage with other children and be encouraged to express themselves better, take calculated risks, accept feedback as well as learn to be affirmative in speaking up for themselves.

Through self awareness, JEB will help your children solve problems and communicate more effectively. One of the best ways to learn how to solve these would be through role playing. It serves as a natural vehicle to learn about life and helps to stimulate your child’s thinking processes.

JEB, even though a kid himself, knows this and makes use of this knowledge to teach your kids about the good things in life. Your Kids will resonate with JEB as he is on the same page as them, being a kid as well.

Role playing is not only fun to do, but it is also seen as rehearsing what you see others do. No matter what kind of personality your kid has, or from what background they are, they need to hone and develop their intellectual skills as much as their physical ones. Their is simply no better mentor to help them accomplish this feat than JEB and his imaginary friends.

One thought on “Helping Your Kids Learning Through Role Models Like JEB

  1. Kim Rawks!

    I have noticed how much better behaved and courteous my niece and nephew have been since they started reading your books. I wish my sister would have found these sooner.


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