Jebcoolkids Entertainment

JEB is Educational and Fun to be With

Lets get one thing clear about JEB. He is a character educator and he is fun to be with. His aim is to help shape the character of your child, but without making it seem too serious. Children like copying what they see. They model the behavior of their teachers, custodians, bus driver, and most of all their parents.

You can see it in the way they walk, the way they would talk, and in their deeds. We need to ask ourselves if this is the kind of influence we want for our children? This is why it would be great to make use of JEB as an educational fun character that teaches values and good ethics among other things.

The Definition of Character Education

Everything you or others around you do or not do influences the character of your child. To help define it better, character education can be seen as the deliberate effort to help others understand (including children), act upon and care about core ethical values.

JEB as bespectacled Giraffe is exactly what the educational doctor ordered to instill core values within your child. After all, you want your child to make sound decisions and learn to judge what is right. Even though his or her friends tell them differently.

This would involve developmental processes such as
knowledge, feelings as well as action. JEB will help your child engage in activities that will make them think about ethical and moral values which in turn will inspire them in becoming committed with regards to implementing these.

How Do You Instill Good Values in Your Children?

Depending on your desired outcome with regards to your children, simply telling your kids that they need to do as they are told will not help to build their character. Taking this approach will not cut it as it merely leads to a bunch of rules where the child either gets rewarded or punished for the kind of behavior they display. It does not really do anything that will influence the child’s underlying character.

There is a solution at hand and it takes the form of your child’s favorite educational character in the form of JEB and his magical friends. Not only will JEB help your child to become an independent thinker, but they will also learn to apply good moral values in their life and do the right thing under challenging conditions.

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